Source: core/ui/view/audio/visualizer/AudioCanvasVisualizer.js

import AudioVisualizer from "./AudioVisualizer";

 * This abstract class is in charge of visualizing Audio based on a canvas and using a decoded AudioBuffer.
 * @extends AudioVisualizer
class AudioCanvasVisualizer extends AudioVisualizer {
     * Create a visualizer.
     * @param {Object} [properties={}] - the properties of the visualizer
     * @param {string} [properties.css=''] - The css classes to set, can be multiple if separate by spaces
     * @param {Number} properties.fftSize - The fftSize property of the AnalyserNode interface is an unsigned long value and represents the window size in samples that is used when performing a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to get frequency/time domain data.
     * @param {string} properties.container - The div element to attach to
    constructor(properties) {

    // abstract
    draw(decodedSample) {}

    onended(decodedSample) {}

    initCanvas(properties) {
        const domNode = document.getElementById(properties.container);
        this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas");

        if('css')) {

        const bounds = domNode.getBoundingClientRect();
        this.canvas.setAttribute("width", bounds.width);
        this.canvas.setAttribute("height", bounds.height);
        this.canvasCtx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");

export default AudioCanvasVisualizer;