# OpenLayers

The OpenLayerView is a way of showing data point on a map. Often, it is used to show GPS data, or fixed position of any sensor. This View can also display path using the corresponding Layer.

The View is based on OpenLayers (opens new window) framework.

API Reference

# Properties configuration

The map property can override the default map. This is the Map (opens new window) OpenLayers object.

The initialView defines some properties for the creation of the inner View (opens new window).

The overlayLayers are TileLayer (opens new window) OpenLayers objects to use as overlay layer.

The baseLayers are TileLayer (opens new window) OpenLayers objects to use as base layer. The default OSM (opens new window) layer is provided

# Initial Map

The initial Map & View can be passed to override the default Map (opens new window) / View (opens new window).

Here is the corresponding code that initializes the initial-view if none is passed in parameter:

this.map = new Map();

this.map.addInteraction(new DragRotateAndZoom());
this.map.addInteraction(new MouseWheelZoom({
    constrainResolution: true, // force zooming to a integer zoom,
    duration: 200

this.map.addControl(new FullScreen());
const layerSwitcher = new LayerSwitcher({
    tipLabel: 'Legend', // Optional label for button
    groupSelectStyle: 'children' // Can be 'children' [default], 'group' or 'none'
this.map.addControl(new ZoomSlider());

# Supported layers

The view supports type layers:

  • marker
  • polyline

# Example

// create data source for Android phone GPS
import SosGetResult from 'osh-js/core/datasource/sos/SosGetResult.datasource.js';
import PointMarkerLayer from 'osh-js/core/ui/layer/PointMarkerLayer.js';
import OpenLayerView from 'osh-js/core/ui/view/map/OpenLayerView.js';
import {Mode} from 'osh-js/core/datasource/Mode';
import DataSynchronizer from 'osh-js/core/timesync/DataSynchronizer';

// create data source for Android phone GPS
let gpsDataSource = new SosGetResult("android-GPS", {
  endpointUrl: 'sensiasoft.net/sensorhub/sos',
  offeringID: 'urn:android:device:060693280a28e015-sos',
  observedProperty: 'http://sensorml.com/ont/swe/property/Location',
  startTime: '2015-02-16T07:58:15.447Z',
  endTime: '2015-02-16T08:09:00Z',
  mode: Mode.REPLAY,
  tls: true,
  timeShift: -16000

// create data source for Android phone orientation
let orientationDataSource = new SosGetResult("android-Att", {
  endpointUrl: "sensiasoft.net/sensorhub/sos",
  offeringID: "urn:android:device:060693280a28e015-sos",
  observedProperty: "http://sensorml.com/ont/swe/property/OrientationQuaternion",
  startTime: '2015-02-16T07:58:15.447Z',
  endTime: "2015-02-16T08:09:00Z",
  mode: Mode.REPLAY,
  tls: true,
  timeShift: -16000

const dataSynchronizer = new DataSynchronizer({
  replaySpeed: 2,
  startTime: '2015-02-16T07:58:22.00Z',
  endTime: "2015-02-16T08:09:00Z",
  dataSources: [gpsDataSource, orientationDataSource]

// style it with a moving point marker
let pointMarker = new PointMarkerLayer({
  dataSourceId: gpsDataSource.id,
  getLocation: (rec) => ({
    x: rec.location.lon,
    y: rec.location.lat
  getIconColor: (rec) => {
    const r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
    const g = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
    const b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
    return  `rgba(${r}, ${g}, ${b}, .5)`
  orientation: {
    heading: 0
  getOrientation : {
    dataSourceIds : [orientationDataSource.getId()],
    handler : (rec) => {
      let qx = rec.orient.qx;
      let qy = rec.orient.qy;
      let qz = rec.orient.qz;
      let qw = rec.orient.q0;

      // look dir vector
      let x = 0;
      let y = 0;
      let z = -1;

      // compute quat * vector
      let ix =  qw * x + qy * z - qz * y;
      let iy =  qw * y + qz * x - qx * z;
      let iz =  qw * z + qx * y - qy * x;
      let iw = - qx * x - qy * y - qz * z;

      // compute result * inverse quat
      let xp = ix * qw + iw * - qx + iy * - qz - iz * - qy;
      let yp = iy * qw + iw * - qy + iz * - qx - ix * - qz;
      let zp = iz * qw + iw * - qz + ix * - qy - iy * - qx;

      let yaw = 90 - (180/Math.PI*Math.atan2(yp, xp));

      return {
        heading : yaw-130
  icon: 'images/car-location.png',
  iconAnchor: [16, 64],
  iconSize: [32, 64],
  name: "Android Phone GPS"

// #region snippet_ol_location_view
// create Cesium view
let olView = new OpenLayerView({
  container: 'ol-map',
  layers: [pointMarker],
  autoZoomOnFirstMarker: true
// #endregion snippet_ol_location_view

// start streaming