OpenSensorHub Toolkit

OpenSensorHub Web Toolkit provides the necessary tools to build your own web application for monitoring your sensors

Getting Started →

Mixed data

Mix Video(H265, H264, VP9, VP8), Spectrogram, ImageDraping, Nexrad, any Swe generic(GPS, Quaternion, Weather temperature)..

Data visualization

Styling overlay using configurable layers as well as an advanced support for video. It has been designed to integrate any map engines such as Lealfet, OpenLayer or Cesium.

Synchronized Temporal & Real time playback

Event based architecture suitable for real-time or playback with support of temporal synchronization on multiple data stream.

Support for SOS & SPS

Supports SWE JSON generic requests: GetCapabilities, GetFeatureOfInterest, GetResultTemplate, DescribeSensor

Pure ES6 Javascript code & Vue.js components

Pure javascript framework with some extended high level frameworks/APIs:

  • OpenLayers, Leaflet or Cesium for Map data
  • FFMPeg.js for Video Software decoding
  • Chart.js

Toolkit integration

Integrate the toolkit inside your App using pure JS code or Vue.js based components