# Deck.gl

The DeckGlView is a way of showing data point on a map. Often, it is used to show GPS data, or fixed position of any sensor. This View can also display path using the corresponding Layer.

The View is based on https://deck.gl/ (opens new window) framework.

API Reference

# Properties configuration

This View is highly configurable. Deck.gl is built using a property object. This object can be directly passed, in part or in full, depending on what you want to configure, to the DeckGlView which will in turn forward it to the Deck object.

By default, Deck.gl is only an overlay, it is possible to display it without Map, with its integrated Map or with an external Map like OpenLayer, MapBox or Leaflet. It is a <canvas></canvas> tag that is set on top of the others.

By default, DeckGlView instantiates a TileLayer Layer to display a default map based on OpenStreetMap data and OpenSource OpenStreetMap server.

It is possible to override this by defining a TileLayer object in deckprops, which will display this default TileLayer instead of the OSM TileLayer.

# Supported layers

The view supports type layers:

  • marker
  • polyline

# Example

// create data source for Android phone GPS
import SosGetResult from 'osh-js/core/datasource/sos/SosGetResult.datasource.js';
import PointMarkerLayer from 'osh-js/core/ui/layer/PointMarkerLayer.js';
import PolylineLayer from 'osh-js/core/ui/layer/PolylineLayer.js';
import DeckGlView from 'osh-js/core/ui/view/map/DeckGlView.js';
import {TileLayer} from '@deck.gl/geo-layers';
import {BitmapLayer} from '@deck.gl/layers';
import {Mode} from 'osh-js/core/datasource/Mode';
import DataSynchronizer from 'osh-js/core/timesync/DataSynchronizer';

let gpsDataSource = new SosGetResult("android-GPS", {
    endpointUrl: 'sensiasoft.net/sensorhub/sos',
    offeringID: 'urn:android:device:060693280a28e015-sos',
    observedProperty: 'http://sensorml.com/ont/swe/property/Location',
    startTime: '2015-02-16T07:58:15.447Z',
    endTime: '2015-02-16T08:09:00Z',
    mode: Mode.REPLAY,
    tls: true,
    timeShift: -16000

const dataSynchronizer = new DataSynchronizer({
    replaySpeed: 3.0,
    startTime: '2015-02-16T07:58:22.00Z',
    endTime: "2015-02-16T08:09:00Z",
    dataSources: [gpsDataSource]

let pointMarker = new PointMarkerLayer({
  dataSourceId: gpsDataSource.id,
  getLocation: (rec) => ({
      x: rec.location.lon,
      y: rec.location.lat,
      z: 0
  icon: './images/car-location.png',
  iconAnchor: [16, 64],
  iconSize: [32, 65],
  iconScale: 1.5,
  label: 'GPS Toulouse'

let polyline = new PolylineLayer({
  dataSourceId: gpsDataSource.id,
  getLocation: (rec) => {
      return {
          x: rec.location.lon,
          y: rec.location.lat,
          z: 0
  color: [255, 102, 0, 127],
  weight: 2,
  maxPoints: 200,
  name: "Android Phone GPS"

// create Leaflet view
let deckglMapView = new DeckGlView({
      container: "container",
      layers: [pointMarker, polyline],
      deckProps: {
        initialViewState: {
          longitude: 1.42376344,
          latitude:  43.6175984,
          zoom: 15,
          bearing: 0,
          pitch: 20
        layers: [
          new TileLayer({
            // https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames#Tile_servers
            data: 'https://services.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}',
            minZoom: 0,
            maxZoom: 19,
            tileSize: 256,

            renderSubLayers: props => {
              const {
                bbox: {west, south, east, north}
              } = props.tile;

              return new BitmapLayer(props, {
                data: null,
                image: props.data,
                bounds: [west, south, east, north]
      autoZoomOnFirstMarker: false

// start streaming