# General

The map views are a way of showing data point on a map. Often, it is used to show GPS data, or fixed position of any sensor. This View can also display path using the corresponding Layer.

# Example

The code is pretty similar between each view. Depending on what we want to display, we can have the same code or add options specific to a View, for example, the ImageDrapingLayer to the Cesium one.

Here is an example of common and specific code for the View:

// create data source for Android phone GPS
import SosGetResultJson from 'osh-js/core/datasource/SosGetResultJson.js';
import PointMarkerLayer from 'osh-js/core/ui/layer/PointMarkerLayer.js';
import LeafletView from 'osh-js/core/ui/view/map/LeafletView.js';
let gpsDataSource = new SosGetResultJson("android-GPS", {
  protocol: "ws",
  service: "SOS",
  endpointUrl: "sensiasoft.net:8181/sensorhub/sos",
  offeringID: "urn:android:device:060693280a28e015-sos",
  observedProperty: "http://sensorml.com/ont/swe/property/Location",
  startTime: "2015-02-16T07:58:32Z",
  endTime: "2015-02-16T08:09:00Z",
  replaySpeed: 2
// style it with a moving point marker
let pointMarkerLayer = new PointMarkerLayer({
  dataSourceId: gpsDataSource.id,
  getLocation: (rec) => ({
        x: rec.location.lon,
        y: rec.location.lat,
        z: rec.location.alt
  icon: './images/car-location.png',
  iconSize: [32, 64],
  iconAnchor: [16, 65],
  name: 'Car',
  description: 'GPS car Toulouse'

Now, for the same piece of code, we can create the view: