
OpenSensorHub SensorThings Overview

A new OpenSensorHub service module implementing OGC SensorThings API (STA) has been developed during this project. The implementation is part of the OSH v2.0 development cycle, and based on Fraunhofer’s open source FROST-Server with completely different persistence and message bus layers that allow full integration with OSH.

Source code, documentation and more details about the implementation are available in branch ‘v2’ of the osh-addons GitHub repository. The code is available under Mozilla Public License v2.0.

Detailed progress on the implementation of various STA features are tracked in this GitHub Issue.

A Tester Page is also available so that other testbed participants can easily provide feedback on the implementation.

Please provide all feedback regarding this specific service on the GitHub Issue Tracker for the osh-addons project.

For more general feedback, please use the SCIRA Project Issue Tracker.